Baby showers have become a great way for new parents to build a wonderful library for their little cutie that is on the way. What better way to share the love of reading than to have all guests bring their favorite children’s book as a gift.

And what better gift than the Little Cuties, Let’s Pretend Animals and Little Cuties, Let’s Pretend in the Garden books. It’s the perfect way to bring books and decor together all in one darling theme—The Little Cuties!

Get the other Little Cuties paper crafting sets of animals and garden themes at Lettering Delights. There are two baby shower invitations to choose from for your event. One for animal lovers and the other for garden lovers.

Make animal and garden party decor from tags with sweet sayings, papers to use for wrapping and decorating, favor boxes and Little Cuties characters to finish off the decor-able baby shower.
You can even choose from a variety of fabrics and wallpapers available now in my Spoonflower shop with the Little Cuties as the theme. They are wonderful for making diaper bags, baby clothes, and decorating for a nursery. Below is a sampling of swatches of the little cuties fabrics.
Now, shower these new moms with the Little Cuties collection.
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