Last year I worked on a collection called
Gon Tiki which encompassed a tropical, Polynesian theme. I had not finished that collection when I thought it would be a great beginning for another collection for kids. Using some of the same patterns and the same bold color palette, I illustrated a number of jungle animals and merged the two into what became
Tiki Tikes.
The Gon Tiki collection was on display at my 2007 show and the Tiki Tikes for kids was on display during my show last year. The illustrations of the jungle animals are on my Etsy site. Above are the two collections, Tiki Tikes and the mother collection, Gon Tiki and below are prototype samples from each collection.
Oohhh, I love these papers! :) Your artwork is SO pretty, I would buy it all! I didn't know you had an etsy site, I am going to take a look there. :)